
Metallic Approach

Above are a couple shots from the upcoming wave. The light blue metallic is close to the original Legion hue from back in the early days, but with a little extra kick. This particular color selection pays homage to a classic toy from my youth, that being Rom.

There are a decent number of colors in this release, ranging from a clear tint that seems to glow with neon intensity, to a color combination that has been long overdue (and a personal goal to finally hold in my hands).

New pics will appear over the next few days, leading up to the full figure list at some point during the weekend. The plan is still to release on November 30th at 9:30 PM EST.

We're getting excited to wrap up the year with this round!


  1. A nice bright Armodoc for my shelf I see's !!! And possibly my 1st Gobon ??? Gotta sell a couple long-boxes at the local comic shop this weekend ;)

  2. Red Armodoc?!?! Awesome!

    Funny you should mention Rom seeing as how he might be making a comeback in some way.

  3. Wow, these look fantastic! Love everything I'm seeing. Those colors are great!

    The ROM reference is awesome. I remember the commercial, the announcers voice boomed "ROM the Space Knight!" Always wanted that toy.

    Can't wait for the 30TH!


  5. Dang, but those are pretty. And I am stoked to see that the tampographs are centered and far more elaborate for this release! Definitely conveying a technological, "microchip-y" feel with the design. Also helps that, aside from (arguably) Pheyden, all the suspects in the first shot appear to be the robotic Glyos denizens...

    And hey, judging by the mohawk, there's a new Armodoc head sculpt! Very keen choice of colors on that lug, too!

    1. I say this, of course, only guessing at the head. My eyes are known to fail, y'know...

    2. Sharp eye, Roy! There is definitely something different about this Armodoc, more than just the color.

  6. WHOA!!!! I am LOVING the colors so far, can't wait to buy some at the drop in the next week. The red & metallic blue would go great with some white or
    Pearl colored pieces. Keep up the good work man! :-D

  7. Replies
    1. This. This was exactly my thought when I saw the images.

    2. Guyver is one of the all time best mangas! Everything that Yoshiki Takaya has done with that series has influenced me -since way back in 1986 when I first discovered Guyver!

      So this would also be a Guyver homage as well as Rom! Thanks Charles!

      Now if only there were some Dire Wraith/Zoanoid colors in the wave...

    3. DIRE WRAITHS!!! O_O!! I'm a HUGE ROM Comic Book fan, so it'd be really cool to see some dire wraith inspired colorways. Count me on board for that. :-D

  8. Awww,White Skull colors,my weakness and a new metallic color for Argen.I have to budget these in somehow >_<

    I wish this could have been next month,but it probably would've been tough for everyone else.

  9. These are great. I would LOVE to hoard them.

  10. WOW.
    Hope to have some mony for the 30t...want a new armo!



  12. Is the Armodoc three times as fast as the others? /Char Aznable (Gundam)

    1. Bry, you are locked in! I think you'll get a kick out of the rest of that reference and how deep it goes with this particular Armodoc.

    2. Oh this is getting me even more excited for the Armodoc! It's like all my favorite toy lines, properties, etc all in one fantastic universe.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The Armodoc has always reminded me of the Acguy from Gundam, but without the snout. Is that a hint of a snout that I detect just over this Armodocs shoulder? Looking foward to my first Armodoc!!!

      The 30th can't get here fast enough!

      Soory for the double post.

  13. I see hints of every PVC mold except the Crayboth. :( I'm keeping the faith, though, because I'd love to head-swap one of these with a Versirran Cray'.
    Impressive tampo on that Gobon, guess he's pretty proud to be a part of whatever force is unleashed here.
    And more metallic Glyans are a sure win!!

    1. ...well, okay, there's not hint yet of Exellis/Sarvos, but that Traveler version is sure to be included.

  14. Really digging the split tampos on the buildmen and phaseons, too! Can't wait to see the rest...

  15. Hmmm, could that possibly be some kind of new Venjorun Armodoc? And with the new modifications is there any relation to the Armorvors? And if so would that make it an Armordoc? Hmmm....

  16. I really love the metallic colors that pay tribute to vintage western sci-fi toys- like this light blue and the metallic green from a few waves back. They transform the entire feeling of the toys and match perfectly with mechanical characters like the Buildman, Gobon and Phaseon.

  17. oooh.... Legion was the wonderful hidden figure that I am still proud to have found first... I'm thrilled to see him have siblings so many years later.

    Love the tampos... I'm looking forward to seeing the armorvors showing in this wave...

    and I might end up with another armodoc...

    *sigh* I'm going so broke

  18. Rom was one of the first, and favorite, comics I read. He was such a classic heroic character, I loved reading his adventures and playing with the action figure, over and over until they all had some significant play wear. My dad bought me the toy before I even read a Rom comic, my dad liked him and figured I would too. Now I'm thinking up a few builds, for Rom and maybe some Dire Wraiths to fight. :) Now, when are we going to get the golden Starshine to go with Rom? ;)

    1. I love that story, it has the true sweetness of being young and happy all over it. Thanks for sharing your Rom connection!

      Rom was such a classic comic.

      The answer to your question about Starshine is easy, as you'll see that golden match in this very wave!

      You'll also see a Dire Wraith homage.

  19. This drop will be incredible, I can tell already. The Metallo-Legion-Blue-Swirl Glyans look simply amazing, and open the doors for all manner of techno-organic (TF, ROM, SILVERHAWKS!) builds!

  20. so hopefully this will be my first glyos drop. I love the look and fun playbility of your stuff but have never had a chance to get it, due to living in the UK.

    Now with a sister living in Florida it can be shipped there. So going to try to be up for this drop (2:30am) to pick up a few pieces.

    Any suggestions on some must haves for a newb? I'll try for an amorvor, a couple glyans..... may pick up some of the green stuff currently in the shop (as green is my favorite colour), any other must haves?


    1. Must haves: a couple of Axis Joint sets & a Pheyden (because he's the flagship)
      Nice-to-haves: a Hub set & a Buildman for building projects

    2. I daresay that two each of the "build packs" (Hub Sets, Axis Joint Sets, Phase Arm Sets) will be a good introduction to the building side of things, with maybe a Glyan for even more build potential.

      Though I agree that a Pheyden is almost a given.

  21. ROMMMMM!!!! Loved my Rom when I was wee. :) Great colors this round Matt & Crew! :)

  22. ROMMMMM!!!! Loved my Rom when I was wee. :) Great colors this round Matt & Crew! :)
