When I sat down to take the first photos of the production Super Crayboth, an extremely deep feeling of gratitude came over me, one that caused me to pause right before the first click of my ancient camera went off. After working on the little bugger for literally years, and wondering many times whether or not I would ever finish the blasted sculpt, things finally fell into place and delivered the Big Cray just in time for Sunday's special wave. Maybe my little shadow continues to look out for us, now from another place, beyond the things we know. It kind of feels that way to me.
Looking at the next few months, we have some planned waves that should be fun to explore together. Early September is slated to welcome the return of an old team, first released back in late 2010. October will feature a very small release, centered around the Armorvors, as has been the tradition in these parts for the last couple years. We will not be attending NYCC this year, so we can focus on some projects that we currently have in the pipeline. I'll be posting some thoughts regarding the current state of conventions as a whole in the coming weeks, and I would really like to get some feedback on how you each feel about this particular subject. The choice not to attend this year was not an easy one.
As we move into our 8th year, the stakes are higher, the competition is more intense, and the general flow of funds is tighter than ever before. Nothing is a guarantee in any venture, but inspiration and dedication absolutely make a difference in the equation. We love what we do here more each day, and understand completely that it could all fade away with only a few hard turns of circumstance. My instincts tell me that some major bumps are coming to the independent toy companies, and not everyone will emerge from these shifts intact. Moving into this era of change, I'm cautious yet excited, because I still feel that creative fire burning inside.
I hope you feel it too.
Thank you for everything.