
Separate Ways

Next Sunday, September 6th at 9:30PM EDT, Argen and the Gendrones face a major challenge from within...


Mechanical Grin

I was first introduced to the great Palace Playland arcade back in 1978, while our family was living in Buxton, Maine for a few years after Megan was born. To this day, whenever we visit this old gem up in Old Orchard Beach, I feel inspired and connected to my early days of creating little creatures from beyond. If you're ever near the southern coast of Maine, try checking the whole Old Orchard Beach area out for a great classic amusement park throwback experience. It has just the right amount of grittiness.

Also, Lisa's Pizza on the corner of Old Orchard St and 1st is eternally glorious.


Summer Sojourns

Things behind the scenes are starting to ramp back up around here after enjoying a great summer with the family. The various mini trips up to Maine and Gloucester over the last few months really provided some quality time with the girls, as well as a solid flow of creative inspiration.

We are currently working away on the early September release, which focuses on Argen and the splintering Gendrone Forces. Some of you may instantly recognize what the upcoming colors pay tribute to when we roll out the new assortment, especially if you remember the Red Rocker and the Blue Bomber.

Stryker Lock has been in production for a number of months, and Mori is very close to wrapping up the final touches on the Standard White rerun. As soon as the figures come in, we'll give some advanced notice of the sale date, but expect them to appear in the store pretty quickly after that announcement. Both Mori and I are still figuring out the best system of manufacturing these little buggers, specifically due to the higher production numbers. It has been a true prototype phase that I believe will be worth the extra wait in the end.

Sincere thanks from Mori and I for your prolonged patience as we continue to build out this new part of our crossover universe!


The Flying Vipers

New tunes! Today marks the surprise release from Flying Vipers, a new lo-fi dub project my brother and I started as a spin-off from Destroy Babylon. We recorded the whole thing just as we did with our first bands in the 90s... direct to cassette tape. Listen and download here!

One of these tunes has a special connection to a certain Glyos Passcode. It was first released by another moniker of ours, the Arcade Rats, and eventually re-recorded using live instruments. The song has changed slightly, but the core rhythms and progressions are there... can anyone spot which song? For those into chiptunes, the B-side of the cassette has a special treat for you.

A big thanks to Matt for helping out with the art and creating the Viper illustration featured on the cover. He even inspired me to break out my own pens for the first time in quite a while, and I ended up drawing the pad print for the cassettes. And for the record, there are two working tape decks at Onell headquarters that still get played in the barn and the attic!

Hope you guys enjoy the tunes and the remaining weeks of the summer!