
Happy Easter!

We've been busy taking all the feedback in from the last post to put together a special order that will hopefully make everybody happy!

After review,  the PVC choice is Clear Colorless. Standard Pheyden with detail lines and swapped parts (but no Reverse Pheyden for now) will also go into full production, and if things work out well, other characters in their "Standard" colors will follow.

The tentative release date for our next wave, which is wrapping up final production, is looking to land in late April. Sneak peeks will begin this week.

Outside of getting things in order here at Onell for the rest of 2013, we've also been working on multiple projects with our partner companies that should surface throughout this year. Each project has been a lot of fun, and should result in more independently produced stuff to play with!

Thanks again for all the thorough and insightful comments regarding the new Buildstation proposal. Your individual emails, calls and communications in general have been beyond helpful, and mean more than words can convey.

We love you guys!


Inspiration On the Shelves

Things behind the scenes here have been extra busy since 2013 started and the poor old blog has been pretty quiet. I hope when some of these new projects finally roll out over the next few months, you guys will enjoy them!

The next wave of stuff is still on track for the beginning of April, with an assortment about the same size as the last release, but hopefully with something brand new added to the mix.

We've been discussing something new we wanted to do in the store that we wanted to ask you all about. If you're familiar with this blog, then you most likely know the system we currently use to get new figures out every other month, an event that we call a "launch", where a bunch of items are released at one time. The plan is to continue using this method, but to also start stocking something akin to our old Buildstation selection, but with "Standard" versions of our characters. What would you guys think about seeing a fully detailed standard colored Pheyden (light blue-grey), or Standard Argen (metallic silver) in stock at all times? Or would you prefer straight all black or clear colorless, unlimited runs of everything, available year round?

We would love to get your feedback on these potential additions to the store. What would you like to see?

In the interim, I wanted to share a few pics from a shelf up in our attic. This is where all our new sculpts have to be measured, to make sure a true toy feeling is deeply encoded in each figure's DNA.

Plus, I just like staring at it all. This particular shelf gets checked out every single day.

EDIT  You guys are the best! Thank you so much for all the feedback. We're looking at the comments and factoring the information and each of your requests into the new store development. Both a small standard character selection and a solid Buildstation offering year round feels like the right way to go. Gears are already in motion.

Black or clear to start with in the new Buildstation? Or something else? 


Shop Works

While working at the shop last week I uncovered this old prototype for a Renegade Gobon that never made it into full production. The core design was meant to mimic the plated surface that covered the Capture Rigs (and everything else) from Rechlen and Aves. I guess this could be considered another one for the Lost Projects File!


Another Time, Another Team

During the making of the old Microshow booklet back in 2004, lots of  Micro themed customs were born. Initially everything was kit bashed with additional sculpting done using plumber's compound, but as things progressed certain characters were completely sculpted, with Stikfas joints chopped and used for connection points.

Above are a few shots detailing some of the fully sculpted figures, with only the joints made from Stikfas (a combo of the softer weapons plastic and the classic black plastic). The black straps are from hair bands and the leather is fake stuff that was cut and glued from discarded fabric sample swatches.

The guy with the helmet, Microsoldier Ingram, is based specifically on the pilot from Takara's Biosuit kit from back in the mid 80's. I love that old kit and its pilot represents the Real Type design principle perfectly to me. Making his helmet removable drove me crazy, as well as building his gun.

The female, Microsoldier Kira, is an original design and so is Microdroid Ranic, a character who eventually made its way over into Glyos to become the foundation for Buildman.

Also, if you've never been (or haven't been in a bit), check out perhaps the best Microman site out there, Microforever.com.

When the hell is Microman going to come back, anyway?!



Here's a really odd one from the lost files -a scratch built, wire frame Biotron with magnets imbedded in its limbs.

This guy was to be included in Microshow II, but was never finished and has been buried in a toy pile since 2004. I had wanted to create attachments that would utilize the larger magnets for connection points but other projects knocked this one aside.

The idea of having a super bendy version of this Micronauts character is still appealing to me. Maybe one day Takara or Hasbro will make one a reality, but for now I have this junky bot to play around with.

Looking at this Biotron now, I'm reminded a little of the Easter Island Moai statues.

Man, I didn't even give the poor thing its claws!