Well, it's been a strange few months to say the least. We hope that throughout this global plot twist each of you has been able to find a small pocket of peace within the quiet chaos that has washed over our world.
The inevitable introspection that's followed this extended quarantine has definitely allowed for a very rare, and prolonged, forced pause in the frenetic pace that we're all used to living at. At least around these parts it has. We're all safe and keeping a low profile here, trying to stay clear-eyed and appreciative of all those that are out there saving lives throughout these intense months on the front lines of hospitals, all over the entire planet. To those of you that get up and do it every day, virus or not, we sincerely thank you.
Though the work flow has been challenged on many levels throughout the pandemic, we've luckily managed to keep operations alive behind the scenes, even if things seemed completely paralyzed here on the blog. My apologies for the unusually long silence, but I didn't want to write something until it felt natural and we knew for a fact that the ship was ready to start chugging again.
The virtual time displacement has given us a chance to catch up a bit on some overdue projects, and of course, generate some brand new ones (to no doubt eventually fall behind on). Even though the schedule has been pretty much flipped upside down internally, it's oddly refreshing to navigate a forced recalibration. It's this unexpected shock to the system that's pushed us to travel through new doorways that may never have revealed themselves without this legitimate upheaval to our understood and familiar system.
In the coming weeks, you'll continue to see a slow but steady return of assortments from the different Glyos makers, each one a testament to the tenacity of each artist's resolve to keep their creative vision alive, even in the wake of an invisible economic assassin. I want to personally thank each of you so much for supporting these creators, especially when things are still very unpredictable.
An announcement regarding our next release will be popping up here on the blog this weekend as we kick the runners on the landing gear and prepare to start the Pulse Drivers one more time.
We've really missed you guys and send our best to all of you and your families.