
Vortrooper Patrol


  1. Dern! Y'all just ain't even gonna quit with this cool mess right here! BIGTIME LIKING THIS!

  2. Love this new robotic Armorvor head! Will we see the Arthrodak in this drop too? I need more of those fish heads LoL.

  3. Love the cyber skull, the center eye gives me major Guyver vibes!!!

  4. Budgetwise, are these Vortrooper head + Armorvor head only or will my wallet be even sadder with two additional matching head packs to grab?

    1. No head packs tonight, just the Vortrooper and Vortrooper Commander.

      Vortrooper Commander comes packed with extra Zeroid parts to make the big backpack and heavy blaster. You can also take these extra Zeroid parts and choose to make a black "Sincrodroid" Eta style build as well, so its really kind of a 2-pack.

  5. This is amazing, I love that new head!!

  6. These guys will have me actually adding a couple of Glyos pieces to my collection - the first in a long time. You've tempted me back. Bravo, Matt!

  7. That head sculpt gives me such throwbacks to the Mad Scientist Lab skeletons that Glyos always reminded me of. I keep saying this, but I seriously need a stealth pack of all these new noggins so I can make stuff.

  8. Love that new head and can't wait to see it in future colorways! Sadly, right now, I could only spring for the vanilla trooper and not the commander.

  9. Glad you guys like this. Matt and I did a lot of tweaking and exploring back and forth to figure it out, thru pics and videos, slight sculpt changes and drawings and photo manipulations- just trying everything to make it as cool as possible. It was fun
