

Today marks 10 years of production Glyos, and 15 years of marriage between Michelle and I (we've been together going on 20 years). It's generic to say that the time has flown by, but it's hard not to have that feeling. Thank you for a decade of true freedom and for traveling with us down this creative path. When I time jump to the future and try to look back on these years with wiser eyes, it becomes even more clear how special this has all been.

We'll be having our 10th anniversary release on August 3rd, to make sure our latest creation can make it for supper. Starting today and leading up to the launch, we'll be posting sneaks that focus on what's in store.

Thanks a million from Michelle, Marc and I for a truly great decade. Who knows, maybe we can all squeeze in another 10 together!


Record Release Party

For anyone in the area, my band Destroy Babylon will play all of our new album tonight in Somerville MA. Spread the word!


Thank You!!!

Thank you for the great release last week! It's always a gamble when we put a weird spin on something familiar, but the Glyknights generally seemed to click pretty well. It's been in the works for a while to run some production capes, and things luckily fell into place for it to finally happen with this wave. The capes have been designed to accommodate just about any standard Glyos figure, and if you guys dig them, we may offer capes separately down the road.

Glyknights need powerful adversaries, so based on your emails and comments the additional armor on Skeleden is something that you'd like to see again, so we'll be covering those Traveler limbs even more in the future. Skeleden's little Skullboto soldiers took us by surprise, with one of the quickest sellouts that the Noboto mold has seen since its debut in 2013. We'll absolutely be revisiting the Skullboto concept again before the year is over (Halloween is a definite -Ghoulboto).

Based on the performance of this recent sale, detail lined versions of select figures will start to be offered moving forward. The Skeleden Standard MK II DX saw a limited production run and sold fairly well. Let's see how this experiment goes and maybe we can start to open the catalog up a bit more.

On the shipping front, we've been steadily working away to get all the packages out (just Michelle and I on shipping detail this time) and we're close to finished. Only the internationals and orders that came in over the holiday and today remain (but will hit the post later today and first thing tomorrow morning). You've kept us busy and it's very appreciated!

Behind the scenes, we've been buzzing away to finalize something extra special for our 10th anniversary release, which is set to launch at the end of this month. Many years have been spent preparing for this character's arrival, and it's taken a lot of effort for it to truly manifest. Expect some posts about its development and history as we get deeper into July.

Thanks again for welcoming the latest round into the fold! It was a super turnout and we're forever grateful to have the freedom to do this. As always it's 100% because of you!