

Thank you Ralph for another mind-melting illustration!

Note: Please place only ONE ORDER WITHIN THE FIRST HOUR TONIGHT. We will lift all limits after the first hour. Thanks for your cooperation. Have Fun!

Self Destruction

Argenesis Xycoss

Villser Fusion: Xycoss Invader

Villser Xycoss

Xycoss Traveler Clone

Xycoss Phanost

The Xycoss Effect

Villser Gendrone Union

Glyan Gendrone Union Commando

Glyarmor Specialist Cypracor

Gendrone Union Commando Unit

Enyriun MK VIII Gendrone Union

Gobon Gendrone Union

Argen MK XXII Gendrone Union



Metal and light collide this Thursday, 
November 30th, at 9:30PM  EST.


Bio-Masters: Wave 5

Construction-Minded Terror, Pat Bussey, has another wickedly specialized Bio-Mass Monster set for release later tonight, at 9PM CST (10PM EST), over in his store.

Pat's latest gang of monstrosities marks one of the first times that all of our in-house accessories have been available outside of the Onell site, and the new "Deconstructor" Unit shown in Pat's artwork above really delivers something exciting, imaginative and just super fun. Make sure you check out Pat's continuing story arc as well (a familiar entity may be meddling with the Deconstructor code).

This one sports an extra power packed punch, Pat! Love these themed waves!


Bit Figs: Grab Bags

More action in the Glyoverse: Bit Figs Grab Bags!

Each one contains 4 random Bit Figs, pulled from the entire series, including one or more rare figures from the past / present / future. All mystery packs come on a header card for the giving season.

Also in store: Bit Figs Hybrid Set 2! Continue your "Pheyden Blue" collection with 10 more tiny companions.

We hope everyone has a great holiday weekend with their families and friends. We're thankful everyday for your fully Glyos compatible support!

Warlords of Wor: Wave 2

Brandon Michael Barker's awesome new Warlords of Wor full production series has unleashed Wave 2, available right now over in his store!

The independently produced Warlords of Wor resin brand has expanded to become a Glyos compatible PVC sister line to Spy Monkey's hit Battle Tribes, utilizing the same base "buck" body with a selection of all new PVC character specific parts. A natural fit in every way.

Featured above is Brandon's main Mutant Muck Menace, Bog-Nar, decked out in his all new Toxic Inferno mode (a great match to The Godbeast's now classic clear "Infection Red" PVC).

Keep an eye on Brandon's growing range of PVC heroes and villains as they steadily invade the Glyoverse and beyond!


Designer Con 2017

DCon 2017 has been the best one yet, and to bring some of the convention magic home to you we made sure to set aside half of the two DCon special "Portal Variation" Villser for the store. Both variations of the Morphic Villser (shown above) were made in equal amounts and are currently available in the store, along with some remaining customer service stock of the recent Noboto Portal Variation and a handful of Sarvostars.

We'll be at booth #1002 all throughout the day, so swing by if you're in attendance and we can catch up!


Thank You!!!

Thank you for bringing Wave 68 to life! We had such an awesome time working on this round, thanks to the unique talents of our friends Glen, Nate, Ralph and Pat (his all new artwork is shown above-double thanks, Pat!). Exploring the world of the Glyknights has been a running sub-theme over here and the details really came into focus through collaborating with these artists.The creative approach that each one of them chose to take with our weird characters really added the magic, and we're deeply grateful for all the time and effort they collectively dedicated to this release.

So far the production numbers for this round have held up pretty well, with the majority of the items still available a few days in. Based on the flow, the general stock should be in decent shape leading up to DCon next week, though a good chunk of the new selections are definitely getting down there.

Speaking of DCon, we're on track to make the annual trip out to sunny Pasadena next week! Please swing by and see us (booth #1002) if you're able to attend the show. We love spending time with everybody at what's become the best convention for independent operators on the planet, and to keep things cooking we'll have a couple experimental mini production runs to share at the show. Extra special thanks to Ben and George for always making our visits to DCon an incredible experience.

As of this writing, almost all the orders from the launch have hit the post, with the last of them heading out the door today, including all international orders. Michelle and Pj were beyond powerhouses, working like crazy to keep things moving on schedule. 

Our last wave of 2017 is tentatively set for early December, and will feature some Gendrone action in an all new metallic hue (and another new hue will debut as well). Argen will face an unexpected adversary that's been creeping around in the shadows since the Henshin III Wave.

Thanks again for keeping the bus rolling throughout all of 2017! It's been an action packed year and we still truly love sharing this stuff with you, more than ever.