
Buildman Ranic MK II


  1. Well, this is certainly a surprise. First we have the callback to the original Pheyaos vinyl, then a new version of Pheyden, and now this standard making an appearance?

    You're going all-out with this anniversary, aren't you? Will we see a Crayboth in one of the hand-cast colors next?

    1. Rumor has it that old Buildman Ranic has been enjoying life on a planet so small and remote that it doesn't even have a name.

      It is there that the free thinking Gendrone spends each day, caring for the pockets of rich and unique indigenous flora that surround the sleeping Buildship he arrived on, which also serves as his sanctuary.

    2. It is also said that Ranic has achieved absolute mastery over Axis Technology, having discovered a way to synthesize the Villser Virus core elements inherit within, thereby neutralizing the negative effects that usually arise after long term use.

    3. Due to this ability, Ranic can shift forms with lightning speed and is at one with the Axis Code itself, possessing power that may possibly extend beyond even that of the legendary Gendrone Revolutionary known as Argen.

    4. Sounds like a fitting lead-in to a new story arc, and definitely hitting every note of the "robot gardener" archetype from the Laputa robot onward...and probably more than a few stories I've written since I was a kid!

      I wonder if Ranic's success with the Axis technology would have any interest to the traditionally hard-lined Renegades as well...

    5. Or maybe the Renegades have been searching for Ranic for another reason...

    6. That sounds ominous. This isn't looking good for Ranic, is it...

  2. Safe to assume this is one the two colors of full accessory sets?

    1. This does not have a matching full accessory set, but there will be a matching Swing Joint Set.

  3. Hot dang! That's one fine Buildman!

  4. WHAT!?! The original Buildman colorway?? Geeze Matt, this one hits me right in the feels and brings me back to February 2009 when they first released. Still my favorite out of your figures all these years later and to see it in this colorway is a real thrill. Can't wait to see what else there is.
