
Adversarial Abstractions

Join us for our 15th anniversary
and Wave 94, this Sunday night,
July 24th at 9:30PM EDT!


  1. Rynevo looks so good in that mix of gear! It's great seeing him kitted out with something so familiar as a phase arm, next to something so new as the Delphi and Sincro pieces. Seems very fitting for an anniversary drop, congratulations on the 15 years!

    Will the Gendrones get a chance to see this new look Rynevo? And can we expect anything else along that theme of new and old?

    1. Thanks! You're pretty on target that this wave has a bit of an "old and new" vibe, and some thematic fusion of the two points in time.

      Rynevo won't be traveling alone as far as color matched mold mates go, though it won't be any of the Gendrones accompanying him.

  2. Very exciting! Looking forward to this. Great animation and sound here too!

  3. Gorivoll sporting some deep crimson there looks nice. Will that match up with Avesser or will we see some new 'borg in similar colors to the clash of these rivals?

    1. In reality, look for Gorivoll to sport more of a brickish red in hand, inspired by the sunsets in Gloucester. The whole wave actually owes its general color theory to summers in Gloucester.

      There will be more than Gorivoll sporting that matching color scheme.

  4. 15 years? Holy crap where did the time go. From seeing ads for Glyos figures in Toyfare magazine to meeting you at Toy Fair 2009 and then making resin figures with Glyos parts, it's been one hell of a ride. Looking forward to what will be in the store on Sunday although I may be too broke to buy alot LOL.

    1. Thanks Chris! Was great to see you and Victor at TPC last weekend. Those new plush characters you've been working on are truly exceptional and creatively inspiring.

    2. Likewise sir! Can't wait for Glyocon in November, that will give me plenty of time to whip some things up for the show. I'm working on a few different pattern designs as we speak (or type/read) that will be pleasing to look at and mess around with. I just got an order of teddy near joints in the mail and have some things to try out.

    3. What/when/where is this Glyocon you speak of?

  5. Sick! Congrats on 15 years! Great animation!

    My standard question, haha... any Vors? If so, how many? (Gotta plan for these things you know)

  6. 15 years!!! It has been a wild ride. Congrats, and May there be many many more years to come!!!!

    Any Villser in the mix this go around?

    1. This was Acro by the way, for some reason it doesn’t post as me anymore.

    2. Thank you! Hopefully we'll stay ahead of the toy reaper for a little longer!

      Also, no Villser in this round.

    3. The Armorvors are also off duty this time, but are due to return in the next wave.

  7. Fifteen years...wow. (Also: congrats to you and Michelle!)

    Because I forgot to ask elsewhere: any chance of an Eta and an Accessory Set load-out popping-up this drop?

    1. Thanks Roy! Michelle sends her best.

      I think you'll be happy with the Sincrodrone presence in this wave.

  8. congrats on 15!
    any glyans in the mix perchance?

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Adam! Your collected body of online writing stands as one seriously amazing (and ongoing) accomplishment. The discipline to create such consistent output is extraordinary by definition.

      Reading your stuff brings the same feeling as looking at the comics in the newspaper as a kid, with your Monday Galactic Hunter Q&As echoing the glorious Sunday color edition.

      We're all lucky you're out there reporting!

  10. The new animation is wicked!

    Will we see the return of the Delphi by chance, or perhaps another bigger build like the Villser? I'm also curious about the color selection this round, any vibrant translucents, or (based on the teaser) warmer metallics? I really dug the Godbeast crossovers last round.

    I've got my own little bundle dropping any day now, might even occur on drop night! Big changes coming my way, if all goes well might have a new fan to introduce this wave to (fingers crossed).

    1. That's really great news! Sending the good juice and we'll be thinking of you guys.

      As far as the wave goes, you'll see a little translucent action, a completely painted figure (rare for us), some new build configurations and one crossover (including a secret combined build) amongst other things.

      As mentioned above, the entire color theory for the assortment pays tribute to Gloucester, MA.

  11. The animation looks amazing!
    Any chance Gobon makes a return this drop?

    1. No Gobon, but there will be some chunky robotic action in a different form.

  12. Congratulations on 15 years! That is an extraordinary accomplishment in the toy biz, and is a direct reflection of the amazing quality and vision of your work. I have been along for the wild ride for the last five of those fifteen years, and am consistently, with every drop, impressed and delighted. I look forward to seeing what Sunday night, and the next fifteen years bring!

  13. Donovan DeGorgeousJuly 23, 2022 at 12:45 AM

    Pumped for some Glyoscester action! Thank you for all the joy and creative brilliance you’ve brought to the world over the last 15 years. I remember the first time I saw a reflex suit on the blog and my mind melted—and now I have a whole shelf of them

  14. Wow I can't believe I've been collecting 9 years now as my first wave was the Super Crayboth so my anniversary wave lines up with yours. It was so nice meeting you at Toypizzacon!

  15. Pheyaos this time? :0

  16. i think this is going to be an expensive drop for collectors
