
A Belated Thank You and Updates

 A very belated but sincere thank you for making the last wave a success! It's been an unusually heavy work cycle here over the last few months, with many projects both internally and from across the makers coming to fruition seemingly all at once. From the Crae Drake project with Jesse D to the new Velgerian project with Pj, there has been an extra steady flow of intense collaborative teamwork happening, continuing the original dream of creating things with friends. 

More brand-new action is also currently afoot with Sam of Angry Hedgehog Toys teaming up with the always exceptional Cappyspace to debut the very well thought out Colossi of Chaos Glyos compatible line of beast busting robots. Over in California, the multi-talented Rocom, of Mighty Maniax fame, recently released the first single from his new band Throwlight, which will definitely get the blood pumping as we all prepare for the arrival of the first Dark Earth production run (test shots have been looking absolutely wicked).

The wide variety of unique ideas that the different Glyos makers each regularly come up with continues to turn the creative gears, and before the year is over, you'll see even more new additions to the family.

Wave 102 allowed some previously unrevealed Crayboth storyline to finally trickle out, thanks directly to Dillon and Sen once again sharing their extraordinary talents. Dillon was able to bring everything into focus with his strong visual narrative, which was no small task considering the amount of reference materials he had to coordinate. The ability to explore comics again is 100% because of Dillon and his generous and authentic perspective on creating art, not to mention his extremely warm personality. Paired with the outstanding cinematic pinups that the soulful and stalwart Sen continues to bring to life, we're really in a particularly fortunate era of new Glyos related artwork. 

A very, very special thank you also goes out to Cady for composing the incredible song that scored the short animation we worked on together with Marcus. It's a true dream being able to create with you, Bubba!

Sneaking into the wave was the introduction of the "Mite" style designs. The Glymite and Sincromite were both created to deliver a compact experience of playing around with Glyos parts and play patterns at a low price. The Glymite follows the more narrative approach of figures like Pheyden and Pheyoas, with the ability to quickly build up small forms that center around the core body. The Sincromite leans more into Buildman and Sincroborg territory, with building out into different forms being more the natural focus. The initial response seems to have been positive so far, so we'll see if maybe we continue to expand the Mite range.  

Shipping was handled by Michelle and I and thanks to all of you we've stayed very busy for the entire month since the initial sale. Music during packing was a span across deep Little Dragon tunes and Chiisana Kyojin Microman videos. My love for the Microman Magne Powers line will never die. Takara, please make those forgotten Beetle Troopers!

Looking ahead, Wave 103 is set to rollout towards the end of next week (looking like October 10th) and will feature some all-new "space-quatic" related things, as well as a modest return of the Mites. We are also set to once again attend LegionsCon in early November, which everybody here is super excited for. We'll post about the details as we get closer to the show. 

Thank you again for standing shoulder to shoulder with us and pushing things to stay creative and hopeful, even after all the twists and turns that nearly two decades in the field have brought. We still love doing this with all of you! 



  1. This upcoming wave wouldn't happen to feature a glyan would it?

    1. The Glyans are taking a break for this round but expect their return in December.

  2. I asked Jesse D about a toyline/property he'd like to work on, and he mentioned that same era of Microman. Really love seeing it mentioned here too!

    1. Micro 99 is to this day one of my all timers. They were such incredible "toys" and are still being handled and carried around to this day. Pheyden owes much to Arthur, Edison, Izam, Walt and Odin. Not to mention Mr. Grey!

      My old friend from college, Yusuke Yamanaka, used to send me videotapes of the animation that he recorded himself back when the show was airing in Japan. I was also lucky enough to read the manga in Bom Bom as it was released, so the connections were formed as everything was happening in real-time.

      Some of my earliest "published" works centered around custom Microman, in a booklet we did called Microshow. The immortal website that is Microforever.com actually has a few small sections on those early works (eternal thanks, Paul!).

    2. I'm pretty sure that's how I got here so many years ago! Beast Wars 2 and Neo lead me to Microman, Microman lead me to Glyos. The creative flow of just a pile of parts is such a good feeling, and the design intent is definitely felt.

  3. It's been a crazy year, and it's good to know that the hits will keep coming next week or so! (Especially with Sincromites — love the little robots / parts packs.) Looking forward to the next wave and its surprises!

    (Though, I do have to ask: we wouldn't happen to be seeing a another Renegade in the mix, would we?)

    1. I'm happy you like those little Mites! There are a number of special compact builds that you can pull together by combining them with the Sincroborg or Buildman, though I imagine you've already started to solve those puzzles.

      No renegades in the new wave, but you might enjoy some of the new Naval Deep parts that will be central to the assortment.

  4. Will this be the last Onell drop this year? My wife is questioning my Gly-Budget! :)

    1. Ha! Expect one more round in early December to wrap up the year, if everything stays on track.

      Also, there might be a special surprise lurking for LegionsCon prior to that.

    2. December is a good month for a release, everything can be put on Santa's tab and nobody messes with the big man!

  5. Are my eyes playing tricks or is that a Naval Deep torso? The rest of it is overall a very lovely grouping of shapes and color. Can’t wait to see the reverse. Are we looking at a fairly full roster in that blue green (dark Voss?) hue? Wait could this be the Voss!? …(Witchx3)

    1. Sharp as always! As I've mentioned before here on the blog, the Naval Deep originally came into existence in the pre-Glyos era of my "storytelling", but thanks to once again teaming up with the great Jesse D on his Crae Drake project, they've found their way into our current creative and shared landscape.

      As you'll see next week, one of the main things that I wanted to personally tackle on the new Naval Deep was finding a way to make single steel mold that could convert the core parts between the usual 2.75" "Glyos" scale and the classic 3.75" scale but still look and feel natural and functional while doing so. Thanks to many, many hours drawing, revising, testing and working with the absolute digital sculpting ace, Anthony Coffey, I think we accomplished this goal. or at least got pretty damn close.

      Phase 1 of the Naval deep rollout was the Crae Drake campaign and subsequent delivery of those goods (well done. Jesse!).

      Phase 2 rises from the Cosmic Deep next week and will reveal some all new parts and forms.

      I suppose I just posted a blogpost within a blogpost. Ha!

  6. I was happy to see Pheyden getting a hit off of what looked suspiciously like a blunt.

    The mites are a great change of pace. It was fun to mash nine of the limited together into something chibi nightmarish. I had to hide it because it scares me now.

    1. You'll have to discuss Alcray Pheyden's inhalation habits with Marcus next time we see you and your great family, Zen.

      On the subject of Mites and Alcray, there are actually 2 more fully sculpted Mites sitting on my desk that may one day go into full production, one of them being a "newborn" Crayboth like those that appeared in the recent comic that Dillon rendered.

    2. There are even more Mites out there? Fantastic! Would love to see more at that scale, especially with the building potential. (Maybe we could even get a little Gobelin someday — hah!)

  7. Very excited for the next drop! Although, my bank account isn't, lol. This blue wouldn't happen to match the newest Sheoh colorway Pat just used, would it?

  8. Can we expect to see any buildmen or phaseons in the mix?

  9. Will this be a Halloween themed drop?
