
Wave 103 is GO!!!

Wave 103 is live!

Refresh: https://onell.store

NOTE: 10/15 10:40am - Shopify has just notified us of technical difficulties with all merchants - please be patient while the issue is being resolved. Thanks!

Thank you, Sen, for an outstanding rendition of the new Squid on the block! We're so lucky to be working with you and Dillon on building out these worlds together. 

Note: Please place only ONE ORDER WITHIN THE FIRST HOUR TONIGHT. We will lift all limits after the first hour. Thanks for your cooperation. Have Fun!

We are still only shipping domestically (and to Canada) for this wave. We sincerely apologize to our international customers for the situation.

Naval Deep: Relgothan Rift Mariner

The Prize and The Passage

Lefty Ace, Dillon Wheelock, turns his turrets on yet another wild tale!

Thanks again, Dillon, for being such an amazing new addition to the crew!

The Prize and The Passage

Naval Deep: Relgothan Spiraltide

The Naval Deep

Sent from beyond the Edge of Space long ago and guided by the first Delphi, the massive star seeding entities known as the Arwaellym helped spread life across a newly formed Glyos System. 

Upon the completion of this great task, each colossal creature came to rest upon a selection of primordial planets, fusing their remaining lifeforce and genetic code directly into the very core of each evolving world, granting a unique host of additional attributes that would go on to define the future lifeforms and landscapes across all of Glyos. 

With a curious eye fixed on the performance of their younger Delphi siblings, a duo of Kydrothi and Waellex traveled to the burgeoning system from their own, silently observing another genesis unfold under the ultimate direction of their shared Elder Masters. 

Though the pair explored many strange new worlds, there stood one in particular that captured their interest, an oceanic planet that would eventually come to be known as Relgost. It was here that the First Children of the Elder Masters left their small and seemingly inconceivable contribution to the Glyos System in the form of their own genetic codes, forever tethering Relgost to their distant systems.  

Many cycles passed, and life quickly evolved throughout Glyos, thanks to the dedicated and benevolent direction of the Delphi, who also served as its guardians. However, as the Delphi became increasingly fixated on fostering the moral compass of their favored children, the Armorvor, something else was secretly taking shape deep within the Planet Relgost. 

Concealed from the increasingly distracted Delphi, a hidden civilization had formed within the core of the planet, remotely guided by its powerfully psychic progenitors, the Kydrothi and Waellex. 

These aquatic masters of the secret deep called themselves the Relgothans, and evolved on a divergent path untouched by the Delphi, even creating their own companion race, the Orkarru. 

Insular in their existence, yet curious to learn about the worlds beyond their own without being detected, the Relgothans and Orkarru decided to build a small fleet of specialized Biovessels that could grant them the ability to travel invisibly amongst the stars.     

Now, with the long-awaited arrival of Those From Beyond the Edge, this "Naval Deep" finally emerges to join their true forefathers, choosing to no longer remain unseen beneath the cosmic waves. 

Astral Captain

Pirate Liner Captain Corsairec

Pheyaos Abyss Shifter

Pheyden Abyss Shifter


Divergent Depths

Come dive beneath the Cosmic Waves,
this Monday, October 14th at 9:30 PM EDT!

The trend of requiring just a little more time
 to get everything right continues, 
so we're bumping the sale to tomorrow night at 
9:30PM EDT! 

We appreciate your patience and will 
make the extra time worth the wait!


Flying Vipers x Easy Star Records

Back in 2015, my brother JBo and I started a studio side project to release a cassette of lofi music we had made with a friend. No demos, no rehearsing, just hit record on the tape machine and see what happens. We asked the Big Guy over here to draw us a snake with wings, and the Flying Vipers were born.

Today, that scrappy band – and that scribbled drawing – are still thriving, and we're excited to announce we've signed with Easy Star Records! Based out of NYC, some may know this label from their Dub Side of the Moon release, a full reggae version of Pink Floyd's masterwork LP. We loved it in college when it came out and have been supporters of their output since. To now be a part of their roster is one of those full-circle moments that we are incredibly thankful for.

Today is also Bandcamp Friday, and you can pre-order the new single digitally or on vinyl 7" directly from us, and Easy Star star will ship them next month.

Many thanks to those of you that have been supporting all my musical endeavors over the years - this is just the beginning of a new chapter, next Vipers LP is on deck for 2025!


A Belated Thank You and Updates

 A very belated but sincere thank you for making the last wave a success! It's been an unusually heavy work cycle here over the last few months, with many projects both internally and from across the makers coming to fruition seemingly all at once. From the Crae Drake project with Jesse D to the new Velgerian project with Pj, there has been an extra steady flow of intense collaborative teamwork happening, continuing the original dream of creating things with friends. 

More brand-new action is also currently afoot with Sam of Angry Hedgehog Toys teaming up with the always exceptional Cappyspace to debut the very well thought out Colossi of Chaos Glyos compatible line of beast busting robots. Over in California, the multi-talented Rocom, of Mighty Maniax fame, recently released the first single from his new band Throwlight, which will definitely get the blood pumping as we all prepare for the arrival of the first Dark Earth production run (test shots have been looking absolutely wicked).

The wide variety of unique ideas that the different Glyos makers each regularly come up with continues to turn the creative gears, and before the year is over, you'll see even more new additions to the family.

Wave 102 allowed some previously unrevealed Crayboth storyline to finally trickle out, thanks directly to Dillon and Sen once again sharing their extraordinary talents. Dillon was able to bring everything into focus with his strong visual narrative, which was no small task considering the amount of reference materials he had to coordinate. The ability to explore comics again is 100% because of Dillon and his generous and authentic perspective on creating art, not to mention his extremely warm personality. Paired with the outstanding cinematic pinups that the soulful and stalwart Sen continues to bring to life, we're really in a particularly fortunate era of new Glyos related artwork. 

A very, very special thank you also goes out to Cady for composing the incredible song that scored the short animation we worked on together with Marcus. It's a true dream being able to create with you, Bubba!

Sneaking into the wave was the introduction of the "Mite" style designs. The Glymite and Sincromite were both created to deliver a compact experience of playing around with Glyos parts and play patterns at a low price. The Glymite follows the more narrative approach of figures like Pheyden and Pheyoas, with the ability to quickly build up small forms that center around the core body. The Sincromite leans more into Buildman and Sincroborg territory, with building out into different forms being more the natural focus. The initial response seems to have been positive so far, so we'll see if maybe we continue to expand the Mite range.  

Shipping was handled by Michelle and I and thanks to all of you we've stayed very busy for the entire month since the initial sale. Music during packing was a span across deep Little Dragon tunes and Chiisana Kyojin Microman videos. My love for the Microman Magne Powers line will never die. Takara, please make those forgotten Beetle Troopers!

Looking ahead, Wave 103 is set to rollout towards the end of next week (looking like October 10th) and will feature some all-new "space-quatic" related things, as well as a modest return of the Mites. We are also set to once again attend LegionsCon in early November, which everybody here is super excited for. We'll post about the details as we get closer to the show. 

Thank you again for standing shoulder to shoulder with us and pushing things to stay creative and hopeful, even after all the twists and turns that nearly two decades in the field have brought. We still love doing this with all of you! 



Wave 102 is GO!!!

Wave 102 is live!

Refresh: https://onell.store

Thank you, Sen, for the truly beautiful illustration! It's good to see some old friends that are still hanging out together, even after all these years.

Note: Please place only ONE ORDER WITHIN THE FIRST HOUR TONIGHT. We will lift all limits after the first hour. Thanks for your cooperation. Have Fun!

We are still only shipping domestically (and to Canada) for this wave. We sincerely apologize to our international customers for the situation.


Sincromite Progenitor Combination Four Build

Sincromite Progenitor

Sincroborg Progenitor

Return to Alcray

Our collaboration with the supremely talented Dillon Wheelock continues! 

For the first time in 17 years, we finally delve a little deeper into the Sporian Planet Alcray and its psychically super charged denizens, the Crayboth, in true comic book form! 

Thank you for learning the ways of Alcray with such patience and skill, Dillon! 

Return to Alcray

Zulloid Neo Nebula Multrasor Form

Pheyden Neo Nebula MK II

Crayboth Armored Alcray DX

Pheyden Alcray MK II

Glymite Crayhunter DX Axis Armor Form

Crayboth Crayhunter Powered Clone DX

Commander Vullestren MK II

Glyan Crayhunter DX Axis Armor Form

Psychic Serenity


Subterranean Salvation

We're bumping to tomorrow night,
so we can fine-tune everything just a bit more.
Thanks for your patience!

Explore the depths of
the Sporian Planet Alcray,
Monday, August 12th at 9:30PM EDT!


Thank You!!!

A belated but mega-sized thank you for a great Wave 101! Revisiting the Glyosar dimension is one of our favorite things to do, even if it doesn't occur all that often. Marcus and I tried our best to weave the brand-new Bit Figs Dreadvalken debut directly into the new release, as their stories are 100% connected all the way through. We look at Wave 101 as a direct sequel to the Bit Figs Dreadvalken assortment, which we further explored with the amazing sequential artwork ace, Dillon Wheelock, in the pages of the latest comic (thank you Dillon!).

The new round also revealed the previously secret Equisarren sculpt, which was originally created along with the finalized Kydrothi, Waellex and Intruder heads. The Equisarren release was held back specifically for Wave 101 and we really had a lot of fun solving the special crossover Centurion build with Marty's parts, which began late last year. We came very close to running two color styles of that pile of PVC, but ultimately decided to "reign" it into just one, though I'm pretty certain that build will ride once again. Welcome to Pun Hell.

Thank you to both Sen and Dillon for electrifying the rollout with their continued double dose of ever impressive talents. I'm grateful beyond words to be working with these two absolutely unique art masters. 

Michelle and I were joined by Marcus for the extended processing, packing and shipping that's been steadily chugging along over the last few weeks. As always, Michelle moved at an incredible pace, while we trailed along covered in cardboard cuts, gnarled newspaper and endless rolls of insolent tape.

Marcus was in charge of the barn tunes, which consisted of choice selections pulled from our infamous "Death List", which of course covers the final songs you'd want to hear on your last day on earth. Morose, but an interesting exercise that we've been discussing for the greater part of almost 2 decades. Lots of Little Dragon on that list.

A special thank you goes out to Jesse D for inviting us to his recent Toy Pizza Expo, which was his best event yet. An amazing meeting of makers and enthusiasts punctuated by a brand new and expansive location made for an extremely special day. Jesse worked like crazy behind the scenes all year to pull everything together, and the resulting expo really showcased the herculean efforts. Well done, Jesse!

The next wave is currently on target for our 17th anniversary in late July, with a few familiar faces set to return along with a little brand new action as well. Should hopefully be a fun mixture of old vibes and unexpected twists to enjoy under the summer sun.

Thank you for sticking with us through these strange times. We'll forever work as hard as we can to make it worth the time and dedication that you each continue to share with us.


Wave 101 is GO!!!

Wave 101 is live!
Refresh: https://onell.store

Note: Please place only ONE ORDER WITHIN THE FIRST HOUR TONIGHT. We will lift all limits after the first hour. Thanks for your cooperation. Have Fun!

We are still only shipping domestically (and to Canada) for this wave. We sincerely apologize to our international customers for the situation.

Equisarren Centurion Valkensteel

After the emergence of the First Children and the events that followed near the Edge of Space,
 Pheyden took the remnants of the Intruder Armor that he recovered after the battle and rushed them to the enigmatic Varteryx Archimyrius within the Glyosar Dimension, where the omniscient eyes of the Elder Masters cannot see. It was there that Pheyden relayed careful instructions from the Council of Travelers for Archimyrius to create a new countermeasure for the coming conflict. 

Using a combination of various genetic codes and the Intruder remnants, Archimyrius brought forth the artificial being known as the Equisarren Centurion, created specifically to battle the powerful First Children of the Elder Masters. Possessing a quadrupedal form outfitted with warp thrusters on each foot and a dangerous array of hybrid bioweapons, the Equisarren Centurion's only flaw was that it could not be reproduced without more genetic material from the First Children. 

However, rumors of a strange and horrific abomination also born from the recklessness of the First Children began to spread amongst the Travelers, and its location ...Glyosar. 

Creepers of the Broken Blade

Sen brings the darkness within Broken Blade Mountain into wicked focus with another masterful pin up! 

Thank you for sharing your mega talents with us again, Sen! 

Leave No Wrong Undone

We are once again on the lucky side of things being able to create another brand new comic with Dillon Wheelock! This one is extra special, as it reveals more of the Glyosar world than we've ever explored in the open, far beyond the piles of drawings and long gestating mini games that have mostly existed only internally for years. We hope you have some fun adventuring with the Glyknight! Part two will be coming soon!

Thank you for such a knockout, Dillon! You're a true left-handed ace!

Leave No Wrong Undone

Armorvor Wyverillian Valkensteel

Arachniboth Valkensteel

Skeleden Xenoglow

The Glyknight



Paradoxical Places

Return to the land of Glyosar
for an all new adventure,
this Sunday, May 26th at 9:30PM EDT!


Mighty Maniax: Dark Earth

The powerhouse that is Rocom Toys has been running another great Kickstarter called Mighty Maniax: Dark Earth, over the last month and it comes to a close late tonight! Everything from hulking barbarians, bio-plated snakemen, spaced invaders, cycloptic armored despots, horned overlords and possessed skeletons await you! Rocom worked like a madman to cover all the details for his new Dark Earth project, with an impressive new catalog of Glyos compatible characters and parts to explore as the result! Who knows, maybe Dethro was even trained in the same Pit of Despair as Slaeyr from the new Dreadvalken Bit Figs line ...

Head over to the Mighty Maniax: Dark Earth campaign and join in on the expansion of another fully independent action figure line.

From Rocom:

Mighty Maniax: Dark Earth from Rocom Toys Launching on Kickstarter

Rocom Toys is adding Barbarian and Fantasy characters to their expansive line of Glyos compatible action figures starting April 16th on Kickstarter. Inspired by Conan, Golden Axe, D&D, and Jurassic Park, the new campaign ushers in Axe Wielding Gladiators, Mystical Mages, and Fearsome Beasts. The project features some Exclusive items ranging from enamel pins designed by Tom Whalen and Toy Galaxy's Dan Larson, to a set of Artist Edition Trading Cards with some of the industry's top illustrators including Jonathan Way$hak, Brad Walker, Jeffrey Brown, Greg Hinkle, Justin Greenwood, Toy Shiz, and more.



Thank You!!!

Thanks for making the return of Bit Figs a glorious one! The first batch of orders will hit the post tomorrow and continue into Thursday & Friday. I'll be sharing more about the new series over at BitFigs.com, but I wanted to thank 3 key people who helped bring these mini monstrosities to life:
PJ of Spaced Out Design who was instrumental in the early prototyping, printing dozens of versions while we worked up and refined the sculpts for over a year. Series 2 is well underway thanks to his efforts!
George of Double G Toys for creating the final masters at Four Horsemen Studios that were used for the steel mold, and who has been an unwavering supporter since the beginning, not to mention helping bring the original Skeleden into existence. 
And of course to my brother-in-arms Matt, who was involved every step of the way, co-developing these characters, co-managing the project, and pushed me to take this series to the Edge of Space and back.
Thank YOU for the continued support and helping make this rollout a success. Special collabs and more on the horizon!