
Buildstation Restocked

The Black and White Gendrones are back in the Buildstation and ready for customization. What colors would you guys like to see next?


  1. It's awesome to see these re-stocked :D

    As far as new colours, I would love to see Red and Clear Available!

    Love your stuff, Keep it coming :D


  2. good to see these back in stock so i can pick some more up with my next order.

    my two cents on new colors:
    Glow in the Dark

  3. GID and Silver would be cool, but those are both previous releases anyway... the white is great because you can paint it however you want if you really want another color. I might have to grab a few to paint, along with some more blacks and maybe a couple greys to go with Scar Pheyden.

  4. Yay, black and white are back in stock. And I have to agree with the above that clear would be the next awesomeness.

  5. Red would be completely lovely... other primaries as well.

    And yes glow in the dark :)

  6. I would love to see purple, and the warm gray of standard exellis fame,
    as well as translucent orange if possible. :) Glad the buildstation is restocked! Can't wait to get more of these for increased building power!!!!

  7. Probly not gonna happen but if ya'll released some open runs of pheyden etc. In these gray scale open runs, I'd cream.

  8. *Burl Ives voice*
    Silver and Gloooow,
    Silver and Gloooow...

  9. silver, ballim, transparent purple/red/blue/clear

  10. M.U.S.C.L.E.M.E.N. colors. including the neon ones from later series

  11. um.. various clear colors would be awesome.. also a forest green, GITD and maybe a gold/bronze metallic

  12. Roy G. Biv = red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo & violet. I'm a big fan of green so I'd love to see more green shades soon. I have quite a few customs I want to make so the more colors to increase my pallete would be awesome. :-D

  13. Awesome!

    For the colors. . .

    GITD Red

    Metran Blue

    Bronze/Burnt Orange

    A dirtier, brownish grey

  14. Glow-in-the-Dark. I actually like the red GitD better because it resembles the color of the old MUSCLE Men, although the glow doesn't last as long. Then again, green GitD figures make it difficult to sleep at night sometimes...

    And I hate to complain, but I felt with my latest Buildman purchase that I was really in need of more male-to-male and female-to-female connection pieces. I've been pleased with the guns that came with Callgrim, as they include both of these (if I recall correctly).

  15. Glow in the Dark Red & Glow in the Dark Green

  16. I will love Manta Force color (blue, yellow, purple, gold, silver). Those would be perfect for army building.

  17. Best news I've heard all day! As for colors: red, blue, yellow, clear, and GITD—though I understand if those last two are more expensive to produce. Really, I'll buy anything you put out.

  18. Red (which, judging by comments, will be guaranteed), Rockum blue, Naras yellow, and as "normal" of a green as you can provide.

    Failing that, rust brown.

    Curious to see what actually comes about, Matt!

  19. Silver... without a doubt. Nothing says "robot" like silver!

  20. I would love to see Pheyden Blue, and Silver!

  21. Definitely silver! And some more earthtones brown and tan would be most welcome additions.

  22. I haven't made my first order yet but it will be soon.

    I'd like to see Red, Clear and GID.
    But keeping White and Black I think is a good idea.

    I have a GID and clear Pheyden that a friend got from you at a show and I love it.

    Thanks GUYS!
