
Thank You!!!

Thank you for a truly excellent 7th anniversary release! We continue to survive thanks 100% to your dedication and generosity, and our family could not be more thankful for being allowed to last 7 years in the crazy world that is toy making. 

When I sat down to take the first photos of the production Super Crayboth, an extremely deep feeling of gratitude came over me, one that caused me to pause right before the first click of my ancient camera went off. After working on the little bugger for literally years, and wondering many times whether or not I would ever finish the blasted sculpt, things finally fell into place and delivered the Big Cray just in time for Sunday's special wave. Maybe my little shadow continues to look out for us, now from another place, beyond the things we know. It kind of feels that way to me.

Looking at the next few months, we have some planned waves that should be fun to explore together. Early September is slated to welcome the return of an old team, first released back in late 2010. October will feature a very small release, centered around the Armorvors, as has been the tradition in these parts for the last couple years. We will not be attending NYCC this year, so we can focus on some projects that we currently have in the pipeline. I'll be posting some thoughts regarding the current state of conventions as a whole in the coming weeks, and I would really like to get some feedback on how you each feel about this particular subject. The choice not to attend this year was not an easy one.

As we move into our 8th year, the stakes are higher, the competition is more intense, and the general flow of funds is tighter than ever before. Nothing is a guarantee in any venture, but inspiration and dedication absolutely make a difference in the equation. We love what we do here more each day, and understand completely that it could all fade away with only a few hard turns of circumstance. My instincts tell me that some major bumps are coming to the independent toy companies, and not everyone will emerge from these shifts intact. Moving into this era of change, I'm cautious yet excited, because I still feel that creative fire burning inside.

I hope you feel it too.

Thank you for everything.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're a month too early to post the backdrop again ^ u ^
    happy anniversary!

  3. You guys aren't gonna be at NYCC this year? That's disappointing :( I was really looking forward to another epic late night hangout this year. But it's all good. I'll be sure to have a Criff Dog in your honor!

  4. I`ll miss seeing you guys at NYCC!

    Hardships are hitting the big toy industry already, and I'm curious to see how those roadbumps affect the independent side. It is the cusp of exciting times, for better or for worse.

  5. you guys not coming to nycc is sad. I'm gutted but I know from our talks how difficult it's become. I'm sorry you won't be there. nycc definitely won't be the same without you guys. I wish you well in all other regards tho. and maybe I'll see you at another toy show or maybe I can come visit you sometime again. miss you guys. xo -missy

  6. With as many people as there are making up the extended Glyos family now you guys could start an all-Glyos convention! I'm thinking you'd have a good crowd!

  7. The big conventions are going to become so large they will one day collapse under their own weight, this is the pattern I am foreseeing when it comes to the larger shows.

    I feel the creativity this year too, 2013 really beat the snot outta all of us, but I think we had to go through that as a sort of trial by fire kinda deal. If we were able to survive into this year then great progress and success is sure to follow.

    I love the design on the Super Crayboth, the angles of the articulation the amount of articulation & the sculpt are all aces with me. Seeing this makes me want to make something following the same formula you have here. Just pure awesome, can't wait to see it in other colors too.

    Keep on doing what you have been doing Matt, clearly you're doing something right.

  8. I no longer feel the need to go to NYCC! Meeting you guys was easily the highlight of my last few trips there, and I had a drunken night with josh hartnet and some Victoria's secret models last time. Yeah, it was that good!

  9. Oh man! Whenever you post a picture for this drop, I'm torn between thrilldom at a new peek and gloom over the sooo long wait.
    Beautiful Alcray background; good catch, DonaldHelloStudio, on the archives. Thanks for dusting if off for this anniversary special drop, Matt!

  10. Do what you gotta do, Matt. But I have no doubt that we'll all be around celebrating ten years of Glyos before too long!

    And the return of the Rig Crew? Blazes. If I'm reading the hint correctly, that should be fun!

  11. It's sad to hear you won't be at NYCC this year but we're all excited to see what you've got coming and we know you'll be able to pull through these tough times. Keep your head high Matt, we're all in this together.

  12. Sad and disappointed you won't be at NYCC. Don't feel guilty, I'm just letting you know since you asked. Will you have an exclusive through another booth (like My Plastic Heart or similar?) Love the Super Cray because the vinyl stuff is my favorite! Thanks for everything.

  13. That's a shame you can't attend. Will you try to stop by as a visitor, not an exhibitor, though?

  14. I look forward to hearing your perspective on the state of the indie toy scene and conventions. The view from here looks pretty shiny, but I am still on the outside looking in. Cons getting bigger, more small toy companies, lots of exciting successful kickstarters seem to be hinting at a new golden age. Things may be getting more expensive, but the quality and creativity seems to be increasing. Please give us some insider info when you get a chance.

    1. Well, I, too, look forward to your more serious talks on the convention scene. I see the bumps from two different angles (from my work and as a collector). I think in some cases the writing is on the wall. This really saddens me. I think several collections will go unfinished. Prices of raw material are just skyrocketing. Hope we get a few more runs before it becomes unobtainable.

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  16. Hey mat it was great seeing you in North Hampton. I like every year lost your email. Mind dropping me a line at grizlliatom@gmail.com. I hope things are well.
