

Glyaxia Command Block Base, located just above the Planet Alcray, where a crew of Glyans steadily work away on a specialized Crayhunter Capture Skiff...


  1. Oh no! Don't harass the poor crays, Glyaxia!

    This is awesome, I love the new look of the Travelers.

    1. Thanks Nemo! The extra paint is intended to give them a special "command" vibe, as the two Sarvos in these pics hold some of the highest positions in all of Glyaxia Command.

    2. Wow! What is Glyaxia top brass doing ? Looking forward to more of this story!
      I am tempted to finally make my own base from tri hubs and blocks.

  2. Oh my.... Matt. This is like straight out of a Glyos - Fisher Price - XXX fantasy! ;-) REALLY nice job on the colors.

    1. Thanks George! Your comment gets me psyched!

      These more expansive sets are aimed at hopefully capturing the classic catalog/mook aesthetic, just without the actual catalog (though that may change before the year is over)!

    2. A catalog! Be still my heart. I really miss the craft and creativity that went into toy photography for catalogs, inserts, back of packaging, etc. it was one of the crucial things that drove my imagination as a child. I'd sit there for hours just soaking in scenes from GI Joe inserts, mail always, etc. The toys would really come alive in those pictures. That's one reason I really look forward to your blog posts; catching glimpses of the delightfully laid out corners of the Glyos universe in action!

    3. Seconded. No doubt any Glyos catalog would have the same charm and magic of the toy catalogs from yesteryear!

  3. Somehow, the new paint apps on the Sarvos just make it all work.

    Also: new apps on Noboto? Interesting...

  4. WOW! .. it all looks really great, Matt! I'm definitely looking forward to this assortment (my first Glyaxia drop). By the way, I sent you an email last week. I know you're quite busy of course, so when you have a chance, please check it and let me know what you think?

    Thanks and have a great week! :-)

  5. Both versions of Sarvos look great and Noboto with paint apps? Welcome to the club, little sincroid. Hoping to see the other artificial lifeforms in these colors as well.
    But dress them up all you want, being pretty doesn't give these jack-booted bastards the right to jump on Alcray. Besides, the mining conglomerates can tell you -- Crayboth don't go down easily.

  6. Whoa!! Awesome!!! O_O!! It totally does have a Fisher-Price vibe to it, also a Lego Aqua Zone/Aqua Raiders vibe to it. I'm digging the color combinations, really curious to start mixing the colors up with other existing colors. Good job on this round dude, my compliments!!

  7. Aha! I see the little bugger up there in the corner.

    Look it's a schooner!!! lol

  8. Amazing revisit on one of one of my favorite drops to-date! I love the Hub-set characters, and Sarvos' additional painted panel is a nice update! Is it just me or is the yellow/light-orange seem closer to the older Sonesidar drop than the prior Glyaxia color? Either or, I love what you've done this time around; the prospect of those Glyaxia Blocks are too exciting!

  9. What a great look and feel these have - Love it!

  10. Any chance there will be a comic to go with this release? I can't get enough of Ralph's work. Also, any chance of a syclodoc?

  11. Aww, no Armorvors. Maybe next drop.

  12. I want to see a multi-layered block base
