
Lost and Found

The store is LIVE!

Please note: There are NO LIMITS on any figures!

You may place ONE ORDER WITHIN THE FIRST HOUR tonight. We are seeing a high volume of traffic and need everyone's cooperation to make this as smooth as possible. After the initial dust settles, we will allow customers to place another order. Thanks for your understanding and support. Have fun! 

Also note that past releases are still available over at the Buildstation.


  1. Looking awesome! Love how the "new" look for the Granthan Corps makes them appear to be glowing with power...

  2. 12 pieces on those Axis Joint sets? Do they also come with a scarf?

    1. That's my bad- changed to 11. Thanks for catching that Dex!

    2. Darn, you got me all excited XD Ah well, it's all good.

  3. These are some great looking figs, way to up your game!

  4. Thanks Matt!! I hope this is/was a Happy Father's Day for you!. I know that you made mine because I could finally add a Standard LSA to my collection!!!

  5. Great figs, really excited about these. Any chance that we see more production figures made from the Custom Corps ranks?

  6. I know it's just a mini drop, but I have to say that this is probably my favorite drop this year! Maybe even the last two years! Ever since CC3. These guys look incredible and have a long standing history in the universe of Glyos. Wish I had more money to spend to assemble an army. Will need to pick up a couple at a time. Hope all three of these last.

  7. I will definietely be buying a few of these a week for as long as they stick around.

  8. Any chance we'll see any "retro colors" of Argen?
    The gold of MK4 looked pretty sweet?

  9. Awesome mini drop! I started my army with a squad, hopefully to build it up to a Platoon soon. I'm sure Matt didn't do this, but a photo of all the LSA he ordered in this drop lined up in formation would be pretty sweet.
