
Enter the Acolyte

Our extended family over at Toyfinity has some new Manglors action currently available to terrorize your collections! 

Accompanying the return of the Standard Manglord and the special Protolord from the previous Toyfinity preorder is the Manglord Dactylian Acolyte. Shot in a deep and vivid purple and accented with a very interesting, almost color shifting paint (watch the color pop simply by passing from shadow into light), the Dactylian Acolyte comes forth to test the Manglord on behalf of his master and terror from the skies, the Manglodactyl itself! 

Don't forget to also capture the latest tribes of Mordles while exploring the catacombs of the Toyfinity shop!

We're working closely with John Kent and Erwin Papa to help expand the world of Toyfinity's Manglors and think the next chapter might really rattle your bones!


  1. How similar is that rich purple to dark nebula or ryllcidia?

  2. Never thought I would see the day that I'd see Manglors again.

  3. Good Mooning Sirs!
    I am checking, checking and more very checking this webbing for news of new mens and erection parts for these new mens. I have also had my attention aroused very much by the Gas Man Armor and I hope he will visit with Pheyden and his friends one very day very soon. But right now I am like Whitney from Houston, I have been saving all my cash for yoooooouuuu!
    Good morning!
