
Angled Effect

Sorry for the lack of action around here over the last few weeks. Multiple behind the scenes projects piled up, but are now about half sorted out. Some really cool things are on the horizon from our partners in crime that should continue to expand the possibilities of Glyos in general.

Speaking of expanding (and contracting), two oddball secret projects (lots of those floating around in this post) have made it over their last test shot bumps and look to be on deck for a sooner than later arrival. Maybe even in time for our upcoming late March release. The new parts were originally intended to debut with the Block, but getting their functionality correct proved to be a real challenge (as almost everything does with this stuff). Some sneaks will be popping up this week, starting with this post. These pieces are not very flashy or wild in their appearance, but with enough of them, you can create some pretty fun things. My obsession with angles just becomes more intense with each new endeavor!

A quick note about the March drop. Expect something a little different as far as color selections go, something that I've personally wanted to do ever since multiple character and accessory molds were created. It will seem kind of boring to some of you at first, but I'm hoping that once the building commences, my intentions will become clear and make a little bit of sense.

Or you'll just think I'm nuts.


  1. matt, you're not crazy, you're a genius

  2. He's equal parts of both. Which is a perfect combination.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Glyocity".... I'm sure I've heard that before....

    The Angle-Block-Vinyl-Thingy looks pretty cool from this tiny bit though. Creeping ever-forward towards the inevitablity that is my breaking down and splurging money on a wing rig.

  5. Boring colorways this time 'round... I guess we're not gonna see any new Solaris stuff any time soon then? ;3;

  6. Genius, pure genius!
    Or should I say... Jinn (Genie) :)

  7. Partners in crime and secret projects! I like the sound of this, Matt!

  8. OH cool, glad to hear you got all the kinks ironed out of that secret project. I already have a few ideas for builds with it so I can't wait to see how it turns out when in final colors.

    I'm very eagerly awaiting this drop, to me Glyos truly is the perfect toyline so any chances to add more parts to my collection is well worth it. Here's hoping for some more new Buildstation Buildmen colorways to expand the color palate a bit.

  9. Universal color scheme, perhaps? MONO part two? Either way, so long as we see the Hubs, some Phaseons, and a Sarvos, I'm good to go.

    Also, please tell me that the Glyocity tag is a nod to the old idea about buildable playsets. I can't afford any myself, but just to know that the idea came to fruition would be enough!

  10. Don't worry Matt, we already think you're nuts! 8D

  11. Mono Drop 2 would be a dream come true....if I had an income! So I'm sort of both hoping for and against a lovely greyscale drop.
