

New colors are around the corner...


  1. Each new post is getting me more and more psyched! Bring it on Matt!

  2. Whoa mama! There are some beautiful combos in there!

  3. So I'm guessing watered down Tang Pheyden matches up with Xodiac from the Alpha Phase? Could we see more trans. pink down the line?

    Spectre Pheyden mk. II is nice to see. So is this officially Henshin Wave Part 2?

  4. The orange is in a similar hue but has a higher clarity. Absolutely more clear pink coming up, and I would also say this is most likely Henshin Wave Part 2!
    I love the Tang description by the way!

  5. RED!! YES! Can't get enough of Coughdrop Pheyden or whoever that is in the back.

  6. Oh gods, yes... Love them.. I need another cosmic wave colored traveler... and cherry red... And a ton more gitd... I guess it's time to transfer my direct deposit right over to matt...

  7. im going to propose to marry or be adopted into the matt family....im self sufficient. i just wanna get all these goodies :)
    soo many colors...sooo little shelfspace...oh well...MORE SHELVES :)

  8. Hey, the eye coloration on the Spectre makes me think of the Echo Morph eye patterns...

    Loving the new colors, Matt! Now all we need are a few Sarvos and Phanost figures to add to the mix, although seeing Exellis and Pheyden dominate again makes me think of the ol' days of simpler waves and quieter launches. Ah, nostalgia!

  9. Oh I'm in love. These colors are all so gorgeous, Matt! Will certainly be saving up the cash for this (smallish?) drop.

  10. the orange looks too much like my Custom Corps v1 #32!
