
Enigma Source Part 3

We hope you guys enjoy the last act of the Enigma Source comic!

Thanks once again to the man with some serious Sequential Credentials, Ralph Niese!

One of these days we will make a big book collecting all these weirdo stories (and a bunch you haven't seen just yet).


  1. Good to see a conclusion to one of the comics for once! I'd love to see these in book form one of these days.

  2. Wow! So many reveals in these last few pages, and so many questions, too!

  3. Wow, spectacular story telling and art as always...you guys do not disappoint! Love the reveals, seeing all the different characters from the Glyos universe in Viyer's lab was really cool. I hope that someday we get a big old book of Glyos comics, between me and my kids it would get sooo much mileage! Can we get a veiny Protoclone figure? That would be neat!

  4. Love it! Probably my favorite comic so far. Love the storytelling, character development and, of course, the outstanding artwork. Great job, guys!

  5. Very fun to see the Banigoth and Outlander in Viyer's lab. :)

  6. It may have gotten a conclusion, but I still want to know what happens next!

  7. AAAHHHHH!!! These are so GREAT! Ralph is KILLIN it!
    Great work all around to the whole crew... You guys are the best. :)
