
Another Visitor

 We have temporarily closed down the shop as we figure out what exactly is going on with Paypal. We greatly apologize for the inconvenience and will let you know as soon as we sort things out. Thanks to everyone for your support and patience. 

We are very excited to finally welcome Noboto into full production!

It's been tough not sharing the process with you guys, but we wanted to be 100% sure that we could deliver the goods. Noboto comes packed with an alternate head and removable belt, scarf and backpack. It's been a long time in the making, and it seems surreal to see the little guy in production PVC.

Another point of interest concerns the Armorvor in the pic above. It is what we consider an error piece, as the crimson paint actually matches the Venjorun hue, not the Reydurran PVC from the last wave. Usually something like this would be locked away or destroyed, but after discussing it over here, we decided to pull the curtain back on this one.

The applications are tight, just not the precise red we had wanted. Hopefully you'll get a kick out of seeing something that would normally never even make the trip over here.

Tonight's release is dedicated to Michelle, Noboto's true mama!


  1. Three cheers for the whole Onell Family!

  2. Great job, everyone!! Woohoo!!!

  3. Two Armorvors bought. Great stuff!

  4. Whoo-hoo! I finally managed to order an Armorvor again! :-D And some Nobotos for Beth & I. Totally awesome to see Noboto in the store, my spidey-sense was telling me Noboto was going to be coming out this drop, I just wasn't sure.

    Also I LOVE this Armorvor colorway. It totally screams awesome to me & reminds me of the Transformers Generation 1 Pretender Skullgrin's inner robot mode. It just is REALLY awesome looking and a rather happy accident as far as I'm concerned, can't wait to see more about the Noboto figure. :-D

  5. Congrats on Noboto! I am stunned to see the little guy finally make his way into production, and with so many new parts. Great work as always.

  6. Awesome! I had paypal troubles/delays, so I wound up re-ordering some things that might put me over the sell limit, but I'm sure you'll work it out. Thanks!

  7. Thank you very much for the opportunity to buy these lovely figurines! I am from Russia and I got up at 5:30 am specifically what would have time to buy them!
    Thanks, Matt!

  8. Yeah PayPal never took me to the order completed page but did charge me for my order.

  9. my second order was charged twice. wasn't planning on a second order, but can live with it. Will Nobby still get that open hand or is it gone?

  10. NOBOTO YES!!! Love seeing that the little guy finally made it into the line-up! Great looing stuff as always. Had similar issues with Paypal, but looks like everything worked out. Thanks for another awesome drop...great work guys!

    1. Matt- sent you guys an email tonight on a different topic altogether, that before learning that you had your hands full. Sorry for adding on to what must be a real hellride of a night for you! Wishing you guys the best!

  11. So the Armorvor is almost a reverse Venjorun? I can dig that. Sorry for being a part of the problem with the multiple orders, I always want to be a part of the solution instead :(

  12. Hah, quite the surprise! But I wonder: will Noboto return in his "original" colors someday?

    Either way, it seems like being late to the main event didn't matter this time. Thanks for making everything so accessible, Matt! And here's hoping this wave proves even more prosperous than any previous!

  13. Fantastic drop! The double order hit me as well, (PayPal kept timing out between clicking Pay Now and the order completed screen. When checking the account no transaction took place, so I went through the process again. I was about to do it the third time when the double order showed up.)

    But, back to the drop. Matt, this was a fantastic selection and I applaud you for going out on a limb and stocking the store like you did this time around. Taking risks is hard but man, the risks you take look sooooo good! Noboto is awesome and is even better than I hoped it would be! Those eyes just POP against the pearlescent white. Getting these in hand will be such a treat!

  14. Matt, I'm super excited to be able to get standard and reverse Pheyden. I don't post much but I've been around Glyos for the past few years. I grabbed a Noboto as well which I'm pumped for. Can't wait to see more from that little guy and from Michelle also.

    I also got hit with a double order. Just a heads up. I'm sure you have your hands full on that end, but don't sweat it. Your fans have your back.

    Thank you all so much for Glyos.

  15. Nobotooooooooooo! Of course the little guy shows up when I am pulling a ten hour shift. Fantastic surprise!

  16. I think I might have had the same problem, I got a confirmation email, but when I looked, the page didn't seem to go to the "order completed" page. Luckily, I had only put in one, quick order... hopefully things will be fixed so I can get a little more!

  17. Had Paypal issues too, but the transaction went through.

    Great drop once again

  18. What color is the alternate head on the new Armorvor?

  19. I got just one e-mail confirming my order went through, but PayPal recorded three transactions. So hopefully those other two orders can be cancelled... :)

  20. Fear not guys. Made a few orders not realizing each had went through, and they cancelled my extra orders right after I notified them. Customer service doesn't get any better, thanks so much Michelle, Matt and co.! You guys are the best.

  21. sorry there was such trouble with paypal! sad that my order was completely refunded and canceled but i hope you guys don't have to put in to much extra work!

  22. sorry there was such trouble with paypal! sad that my order was completely refunded and canceled but i hope you guys don't have to put in to much extra work!

  23. All my orders were refunded? Is this going to be a do-over?

  24. I'll wait till you figure things out, but if it helps, paypal only charged me once and then reversed. Sorry to hear this has turned into such a mess.

    -Ted Simon
